The Jokers are Teacher and Petulant Child grappling to understand their place in the universe. Whether or not to roll over and accept the cards being dealt. Pondering everything from Fee Phi Foe and Fum to Data`s pursuit to be human. They meander and fumble with diverse topics such as Douglas Adams Theory "The Fundamental Interconnectedness of All Things", "Universal Synchronicity and Serendipity" and how to play a major part in self-coaching and motivation. Querying universal consciousness mindful to see if it is self-aware or whether it really cares what they think. The series deals with the Jokers’ frustrations, aspirations and even spiritual flirtations all the while exploring what Raison D'être should apply for the foreseeable future. Each episode a journey into the known and unknown uncertainties that await in the as yet unmanifested future of potentialities.

Friday Dec 04, 2020
Any Road Will Do
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Any Road Will Do S1E50
We may not know what path or what road we want to take, but we are not too scared to just go. We can randomly pick one and see what happens. Then we may change if we need to. If it is not the right path and it is taking us away from where we wanted to go. Then we can swap over, take a trunk road, go up and down a side lane until we get on to the right track. None of us know where we are meant to be at any particular point in time. If you cannot see your path clearly, just take a road any way you want. Change is the only constant that matters. Keep on changing every day just by being yourself. Away can help you just changed your day. Older, deeper, and closer to the endgame. But get up, get out of bed and interact, change whatever it might be in the day in question. You will get surprised.

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Show Me The Money!
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Show Me The Money S1E45
In this episode, Garvin and I talk about understanding your target audience so that you can build up a relationship with them. Then you will be able to understand what they want, what their needs are, and why they will engage with you. And if you are a writer, what they want is to watch the stories that you are telling, and that's why you need to understand your target audience. Garvin reminds us that he does not want you to show him the bill but to: “Show me the money”.

Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Inspiration S1E48
“Someone has to win the day, but not necessarily the war,” remarks Garvin. “We keep on fighting the war because if we don’t, we're dead.” Garvin sees conversations as battles, ones full of entertainment, information, and education. All through meeting new people. This is the inspiration, and we are planning the future looking for the next person to join us and win them over. And when you win them over you've gone and made friends and influence people. Potentially being left with a relationship that will develop in the future. A comrade at arms. A new relationship that wasn't there before. This is the inspiration behind this week’s discussion. Hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Once In A Lifetime
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Once in a lifetime. S1E47
This could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So, understand the person before you go to pitch to them. Then if you know what they want, you will probably get more out of them than you would if you just going very, very cold.
“Is it still there with you, Garvin?”
“I've no plug to power it, but what if the camera still doing?”
“Is the camera still going?”
“ Yeah, well it's still going till it's red.”
“We’ll continue until it dies.”
“This could be a once the lifetime and this thing says your time is running out, then it will It's flashing red still but there’s someone home. I'm rolling around trying to go against the clock? I prepared for this, yeah and my attention is now distracted. So if that was my once in a lifetime to grab their attention I'm going nowhere? I missed my attendance with this thing. The battery dying.”
“Make sure your timing is right. Make sure your audience is not distracted somewhere else. Align that attention span with our little presentation of a Dancing Jig and then get on and dance along.”
All part of the fun and anxiety on today’s chat. Hope you enjoy it?

Friday Nov 20, 2020
Be The Leader, Others Will Follow
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Be The Leader - Others Will Follow S1E46
We are driven but we might get burned out. It's not because we're not turning upon us, or because we don't believe, and it's not because we don't have a dream or vision. It's actually the dream is getting bigger, the visions getting bigger. We need to narrow it down and decide what's achievable with the resource to hand. Can we get someone else to value the dream? Does anyone else understand our vision? Can we get anyone else to join us on a journey to Oz? Now it's about a journey of a bunch of people working together in a timeline restricted by their skills, abilities, fears, and stress. It’s not a Yellow Brick Road but a Yellow Double Decker Bus. They can get the fare, go in their own time and get off and on the bus as required. We’re off to see the Wizard, we're going to pull the curtain aside. We're going to look behind the goal. And discover if that Is all there is or should we go off again to discover something new, leading others along this exciting journey.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
The Third Person
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
The Third Person.
In this episode, Gavin and I talk about how we are expanding and part of what we have been talking about is the relationship we have been building up. And we feel a bit of anticipation because we are looking at the potential of having a third person join our little team. Part of that process is developing the relationship with them and how to build up connections in the work, to sort out mental health issues. We are both learning as we continue this journey of self-discovery in the work of business, filming, podcast and video blogging.

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Kettle of Fish
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Kettle of Fish S1E44
I think what's coming out of everything at the moment is that it is when you do have a chance to sit back and cool down, knowing you can't rush ahead like you once did. Then you suddenly realise: “Actually, life isn't as bad as we thought it was. There's a lot of really good stuff going on. And this is an opportunity to reset things.” I think after any major kind of situation in the world, what starts to happen is that people realise that life can be better, and it gets better. It does get reshaped. Now, there may seem to be a lot of bother and riots, and all kinds of crazy stuff going on at the moment, but things will settle down. The dust will settle, you know. The kettle of fish will realise that they're not doing what they should be doing, and everybody will jump out and there will only be 1 fish left in there. And the water will get clear again. That's the way ahead. So, there is a lot of positive stuff that we should be looking forward to, and this gives us the chance to work things through and to gain some kind of clarity of what we're hoping to do.

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
K.I.S.S. S1E43
There are trucks, planes, trains, and automobiles, and staff, stock, and data all out there for you to have that little package come in the door. Remember, simplicity is highly complex so don’t undervalue based on what you're hearing about your perception of it. If we go back to what we started off with, we had a little saying that Garvin was talking about which is generating the idea, putting the plan into action, working out the risks, and creating a little cycle until you have got the thing happening. Then you go back and start again. The main thing is to keep it small and simple – K.I.S.S.

Friday Nov 06, 2020
Forty-Two = 6 x 9 (Base 13)
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Forty-Two = 6 x 9 (Base 13) S1E42
If you own a supercomputer? Turn it on. Learn how to code is and basically use your power to make real your life. Most of us construct a world that we want to live in. Whether it's for good or for bad or, but we end up being the ones that construct it based on the information that we have gathered. What we often don’t realise is that we can change that construct and we can make it better. And the best thing to do is to work with other people and enjoy life. Start to see what possibilities out there that can be achieved. We pretty much cover life, the universe, and everything else in this episode.

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
What's in the Cookie Jar?
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
What's in the Cookie Jar - Life Self Business Coaching for the Over Forties What lifestyles do you want that will print money? Garvin attempts to contextualize the art of scriptwriting and how backstories are often missed. He was struggling to picture the scene confusing a castle with the Death Star. George got stuck on Anglo-Saxon names that were peppered with Europeans. Garvin gasped at all the CGI that he could see coming out of George’s mouth and began to psychoanalyse George’s motives. George then finds a novel way to contemporize his own stories and the budget was reduced, at least in his mind. All Garvin wanted was a way for the stories to print money. That was enough contextualisation for him. Then he scrambled around his desk to locate the cookie jar but someone else had beaten him to it. Inside were no biscuits but his petty cash. No cash no Cappuccino. He found himself back in the world of contextualisation, referencing digital content, and realizes time is needed to appreciate the value and to allow it to absorb into the mind. The anxiety was in the process of production, creating the content, editing, and re-purposing it for different audiences in bit-size chunks. The craving for another biscuit gripped his stomach, as the realisation hit him that work-life balance was necessary before we all find ourselves in a barrel going down Niagara Falls. Garvin roars, “It’s all about the 80-20 rule” and getting the most value. #SelfCoaching #BusinessCoaching #MediaCoaching