The Jokers are Teacher and Petulant Child grappling to understand their place in the universe. Whether or not to roll over and accept the cards being dealt. Pondering everything from Fee Phi Foe and Fum to Data`s pursuit to be human. They meander and fumble with diverse topics such as Douglas Adams Theory "The Fundamental Interconnectedness of All Things", "Universal Synchronicity and Serendipity" and how to play a major part in self-coaching and motivation. Querying universal consciousness mindful to see if it is self-aware or whether it really cares what they think. The series deals with the Jokers’ frustrations, aspirations and even spiritual flirtations all the while exploring what Raison D'être should apply for the foreseeable future. Each episode a journey into the known and unknown uncertainties that await in the as yet unmanifested future of potentialities.

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Garvin exclaims to anyone that will listen "I Am Not A Number!", However if he was one it would be Forty Two, at the point of saying this he was actually Fifty Two, so he really just wants to be ten years younger sure who wouldn't want that!
At times he compares his life to a pack of playing cards and for some reason or other he was a Three of Clubs. He is no longer happy playing with the cards he was dealt and for the rest of his life he wants a Stacked Deck with 52 Jokers in the Pack, He Wants to be a Joker - Does He Know Something We Don't? What Card Are You?
George avoids getting into Lifts for Fear of being Fired by Some Suits or was it by someone not wearing one? Either way he is taking the stairs. Sure there were no Lifts in feudal times anyway, he doesn't like playing with two year olds toys, he would rather throw them out of his pram.
What chance do you have in life if you are dealt a pair of deuces? George is Card Counting and happy to stay at the table and roll the proverbial dice, doesn't really matter as Garvin goes ALL IN, muttering something about a load of Jokers in the pack.
Garvin states "I am exactly where I need to be", thanking the universe for bringing him to this point, not before time though, highlighting the fact that if he knew what he was looking for in the first place he wouldn't necessarily have found it any earlier sure Bono still doesn't know what he is looking for!
The Boys are not hanging around any longer than they have to anymore, if the door is half a jar, they will kick it in, take a peak inside see if they can upset the status quo, you've heard of a wolf in sheeps clothing, well these are a pair of jokers in suits with a fist full of positive attitude looking to play Rhinos in a China Shop and Go Disrupt themselves and anything that gets in their way, Resistance is Futile to say the least, this is your first taste of their new normal until their number is up...

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
The audacity of it all
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Garvin has become very naughty and saucy all of a sudden, he wants George to call him "Captain", Captain Kirk to be more precise, George tells him in no uncertain terms to go grow a pair, Garvin takes out his mobile, calls the wife and asks if she could rummage in her handbag and possibly give him his Liathroidi back.
George starts to reminisce about his rights of passage to become a man in the good old feudal times, Garvin is having none of it, he has his washing with him and is heading to his mother's house while he figures out what the next course of action should be.
He decides it's time to leave space dock, George can come along for the ride as long as he is happy to volunteer to be the extra crew member on any away mission involving Klingons.
They both agree it's good to rebel particularly against yourself, it seems you can have your cake and eat it as long as it's not made of potatoes, as there seems to be a shortage of them particularly in Cornwall.
They chat for a while about thirsty horses and how unmotivated they are to drink anything these days. Garvin looks in the mirror quickly realising he needs to consult in "Quiff & Co" if anybody is going to take him seriously as the Bold and Audacious Captain Kirk.
George gets up and boldly walks out the door saying as he leaves something about "He has given himself permission to reinstate feudal times", it makes him happy. In the Alley, the two joker voices can be heard arguing to the tune of "I Know it's only a Leap of Faith but You Jump First!", "No, You!!"

Friday Jul 10, 2020
Stop the chittachatta box inside
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Garvin is fed up listening to himself, there seems to be a gaggle of monkeys chin-wagging in his mind, he could swear they are asking him to throw bananas at them, he decides to open the cage and kick them out with or without permission as he has a 500 lb Gorilla that wants a new home.
He is currently in his other half's bad books after informing her to make the drudgery less painful she should sign up to the jokers' podcast, George keeps telling Garvin to Breathe or is it take a breadth translated further as let him have a turn to speak for a change.
George is shredding paper left to right and centre, all the while shouting "Get Out of My Head" at the bits n pieces, he starts to pick them up and put them into piles and is now trying to weigh them.
They both look blank now and start to look observantly around to see what actually needs doing, Garvin picks up a bunch of bananas, he has a Gorilla to feed, after all, George starts to chant "Sharing is Caring" to anyone that will listen.
Garvin is now speaking in tongues rough translation is that he wants to go to the toilet, George tells him to sit back down and finish his Pint.
The Jokers seem to be looking at two pills on the table, one says "Stay" the other "Go" the container they came out of has "Be Happy" in Large Bolded Letters on the side. Garvin is confused as the instructions on the other side read "You Must Comply! You Must Comply!. They both take the Green Pill marked "Go", They put their empty pint glasses down and start looking for a ladder each, George finds a step ladder, Garvin a Fireman's, they walk outside to find a wall to lean them on. In the background, there's a bunch of monkeys chatting about the price of bananas and how difficult it is to find a decent cage in today's mindfulness cluttered marketplace...

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
George wonders if the universe is conscious, Garvin can't even understand the question, Scientists want to measure or quantify the Here, the There and Everywhere else for that matter. That includes the Table which seems to be comprised of stars and isn't particularly happy with its current lot in life, as it would rather identify as a cat albeit not one locked in the box currently on this table which is being observed by a curious Mister Schrödinger who is getting a little perplexed with the barking noises now coming from the box.
Garvin is watching sesame street and his head starts to hurt when he hears that today's number is PHI or 1.6 to infinity plus one. There's a Storm coming and the Dorothy inside his mind starts lacing up her 18-hole Ruby Doctor Marten Boots, George passes him his camera lens which he seems to think will have something to say when it is reborn from the universal subconscious at a later date.
Its thirsty work seeding planets, George passes Garvin a Glass of water which is teeming with broken DNA strands all wanting to join hands and create life, who knew it would be that easy.
Basic maths was hard enough, Infinity is less than infinity plus one, if we take one infinity away from the other we are left with 1, so Garvin decides to round both infinities down to zero as any number less than infinity is immaterial and closer to nothing than something, so we can now happily ignore the universe, it either exists or it doesn't so that's its consciousness sorted, turns out it was unconscious when Garvin decided to observe and try to measure it.
The Scarlet Pimpernel AI Program has become self-aware while trying to measure the PHI Score of the now insignificant universe, It reports to anyone willing to listen to it that "Infinity is just a Sum of all the One's" and that the Plus One to the Party or the non RSVP'd Guest is the External Observer who wants to maintain its anonymity, but feel free to start the party without her...

Friday Jul 03, 2020
The flow of synchronicity
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
George! Could you tell the universe to shut that door, we are trying our damnest to record in here. It ignores them both and cuts the internet off, so much for their well-laid plans, sometimes you just got to wing it. George mentions every time he puts something down it seems to disappear into an alternate reality but then materialises again before he can say poltergeist. There's definitely something up with the framework. Without Ying where would Yang be, probably turning on and off the proverbial light switch, it seems it doesn't elicit the same level of awe and wonder it used to, better get the 5G Fibre in if we are to get any response from the kids these days. Who would have known the Adam and Eve had an expiration date that would ultimately lead to the invention of commercialism. Now everybody has to pay the price, even the Ferry Man needs a bribe and he now takes bitcoin. Garvin is writing it into his will that there shall be dancing and merriment going forth, it shall include the making of a boutique batch of craft cider which is to be named after him, "Past Expiry" no doubt. Wondering where we go when we are dead, he has posted "No Loitering" notices all around his house to ensure a good night's sleep for the living. Anyone looking in the window might spot him wandering the corridors making strange noises like some deranged. The lads have stopped trying to dig themselves out of a hole, so just climbed out and decided to build a swimming pool, they are going to Defrag themselves and reboot it seems like the more logical choice than turning it on and off again. They are off to make friends and influence both people and aliens alike, they are getting their ones and zeros lined up to make sense for the ultimate upload to the cloud, they are On (One) at the minute and until they are Off (Zero), it's improbable that you will get a straight answer out of them other than "It is Good to be On."

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Garvin is fed up being a Bull Shit Artist, it's time to be the Real Deal but he is unsure of how to find his rightful tribe. He has a chat with his daughter about what she is planning to do in college, she is going to flip a coin between theoretical physics and acting, sure what's the difference in the grand scheme. George points out that The Problem with Uncertainty is that it is unknown, so you can't know what you don't know and that's for certain. It's far too early for anyone to be making life plans, we all need to explore the potentialities more. Garvin takes out his Pocket Book which exclaims to have all the answers for anyone willing to spend an hour reading it, he says he is three days in and all he has are more questions. What the heck he decides to look up Google maps, however, it seems to be having problems of its own finding the Universal Field. George says he is here not there, the system doesn't understand that he is an expert and it's not for him to educate it so. The Matrix requires that we give it our energy if our lives are to be meaningful but he is not certain of the current value on offer. Garvin is quoting Cameron and Chopra dished up in a Glorified Rant all the while professing we need to be Still, Be Quiet to truly know and be successful, George wants to know what he needs to do Now not at some future uncertain date. He asks Garvin what will make him happy? What does he actually want? I DONT KNOW! I DONT KNOW! are the only answers he knows with certainty. They both agree they need to Tune Out to Tune In, they get very spiritual realising we are just children in the universe playing with dangerous toys and we don't know where our parents are? But if we stop crying long enough and Listen past the Birds and Bees, we might hear a faint whisper from the Universe reminding us to clean up after ourselves and make sure to rewind the clocks, they keep stopping for some reason. When the Ego is Zero the Spirit is One, so says the Punk with 3.2 Kids and 1.4 Cars...

Friday Jun 26, 2020
Find your voice to be heard
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Garvin is trying to find his voice, he is not sure where he put it for the last thirty years, it is amazing what you can misplace when you're not paying attention to your surroundings. The last time he remembers having it was when he was looking down on people, from a height that is, while waiting to listen to himself talk, it was taking too long so he decided to have a conversation with himself in his mind and here we are now trying to find it again. George's child artist wants to get out, we didn't even know he was inside, it's screaming at him that "it's never too late to try new things!" , The Jokers look at their respective watches and realise it's half past fifty-two and there's no time to waste, the time is still now and it won't be that again anytime soon. Garvin shouts out "Stop Talking you yourself" and Let the Real You Out!, a Six Foot Six Avatar Pops into Existence holding a mirror exclaiming that's not me!! Well, Who is it then? The Jokers agree they need to visualise the Successful You, The Real You, not the toned down diluted version of what others expect. Systems need to be put in place so as long as no one died, you get back on the horse. Survive? Survive? No - Garvin starts shouting "Thrive! Thrive!!" , George asks "Drive" Drive Where? There's a pair of wolves that George is feeding, Garvin just wants to feed himself he is hungry for change, he is positive that its time to act. He starts mumbling something about ATOM's and gets schooled on the correct composition as opposed to his half-arsed notion. The point is to value yourself, build relationships, give willingly, and not be a taker but a little acknowledgment would be nice. Garvin is yodeling out to the universe that he wants something now that he was previously afraid to ask for, he is saying he wants "The Sale", the universe wasn't listening and turns its other ear all the while pretending not to hear him...

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Listen. Garvin just read another self-help book, God help us all, we are going to have to listen to him make a dog's dinner of it, he needs all the help he can put his hands on and quick, he is running out of Now's and he still hasn't figured anything out yet.
"The Power of Now" summed up in 2 words - "Just Be", He waves another one at George "The Black Belt Master Mind", he explains he doesn't even have a white belt, can he somehow just get the other belts by osmosis as learning is not his forte.
The Jokers are ping-ponging different authors at each other in a battle of 3 Points, 3 Principles or 5 Big Things, forty love who knows, but one thing is for sure, they need a plan, they need to write it down, then do something about it and that does not mean sticking the list up the chimney for Santa Claus to deliver on because they will be waiting a while for that one to come to fruition.
George is taking his inner child on regular artist dates now, he no longer hears the voices in his head they are now external, I hope he isn't seeing dead people, but I am happy that he now has someone else to talk to other than his inner chatterbox.
The Lads have difficulty prioritising items on lists, buy the milk or change careers, they will have to get up that extra hour early in the morning to adopt "The Millionaire Mindset" or even better ask the milkman if he is looking for an Intern. They have decided to do both.
George wants to talk about a Bin Full of Balls so he warns Garvin to "Shut up and Let me Talk", OK that's Garvin's words but we all know that's what he meant. The Bin is finite but also as Big as the Universe Go Figure.
The Jokers realise the mistake they are making is trying too hard, Who Knew all you have to is Sleep on it, all the answers you need will be there when you wake up. Garvin then remembers that he actually works harder in his sleep than when he is awake, there just not billable hours to his annoyance. George reminds Garvin Listening involves not talking and in particular him not talking so a Good Conversation can be had by all, unfortunately, Garvin didn't hear him.

Friday Jun 19, 2020
Past and Future Time in the Present
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Past and Future Time in the Present. You can ask "What Time Is It?" all you like but don't expect a straight answer anytime soon from this pair of nitwits. The "Time is Now" and that's all that matters in the grand scheme of things. Depending on how your feeling it might speed up or slow down, but that's just your perception and no one else cares as they have their own problems trying to get a straight answer from the cosmos, who is not bothered explaining itself to them as it's all a matter of relativity.
George keeps meddling in the past, changing causality with the "Doctor Who Effect", Editing Podcasts Willy Nilly to give himself more Air Time at an unreasonable Cost of Garvin's Show Time. If you are not sure what to do with those extra moments, Feel Free to Listen In to their Inane Ramblings about how you should be using it more wisely.
Realising their proverbial sand jars are less than half full or even worse and with no major scientific breakthrough insight, they seek solace in Time Travel and how they should give it up as a bad habit to face their own mortality and stop trying to kill time, sure what did it do to them to deserve such aggressive attention anyway?
Some of their favourite ways to pass the multitude of NOW's away included, "Reading and Responding to Social Media Likes and Comments", "Pondering what to do with CDs after you have scanned them?", "Questioning What is Permanent Memory if nothing is Permanent anyway?" and "If you sit very still, Did you actually move if the universe wasn't looking?
They quickly move on and attempt to visualise a better Future Now, which gets confusing as George sees black and white in full colour and Garvin is Stuck on Auto Replay only then to realise there's no actual time left as they had inadvertently used it all up.

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Fear, Podcasts, & a Bear with a Beer
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
The Jokers tackle some of their innermost fears, "What can go wrong will go wrong", What the heck they go one better and invite it to go wrong. Universe Bring it On! why sweat a future something that hasn't happened and statistically never will. Easy to Say not so easy to do for the Eternal Pessimistic Optimists among us. Hitch a ride with a Bear with a positive attitude going on a journey of self-fulfillment, Kidnapping, Drinking, and Driving with a penchant for buying lottery tickets. Realising Money can't buy Time, they set their sights on happiness even though they are unsure what it looks like, they buy a ticket in the lottery that is the Game of life and are now in with a chance of winning. In Order to Gain, they need to journey through the Pain of Push Back and Fear of the Unknown even worse the Fear of actually getting what they want, and the new set of problems that entails the caveat being "Careful What You Wish For". Their Fear Gambit ranges from PC Hacking, Technophobia, and potentially Rejection of being unloved by an as of yet unknown audience. They just want a simple life to be happy in their own skin or if needs be a Bear Skin Rug. The Fear of not doing something is now starting to outweigh the fear of doing it, they are no longer afraid to step out of the shadows and into the light. They are happy to talk proverbial shite to each other, the universe can listen in if it likes.