The Jokers are Teacher and Petulant Child grappling to understand their place in the universe. Whether or not to roll over and accept the cards being dealt. Pondering everything from Fee Phi Foe and Fum to Data`s pursuit to be human. They meander and fumble with diverse topics such as Douglas Adams Theory "The Fundamental Interconnectedness of All Things", "Universal Synchronicity and Serendipity" and how to play a major part in self-coaching and motivation. Querying universal consciousness mindful to see if it is self-aware or whether it really cares what they think. The series deals with the Jokers’ frustrations, aspirations and even spiritual flirtations all the while exploring what Raison D'être should apply for the foreseeable future. Each episode a journey into the known and unknown uncertainties that await in the as yet unmanifested future of potentialities.

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Siraj Zaidi - Producer, Writer, Actor & Film Festival Director
“In the Room” with Garvin and George is Sarij Zaidi, producer, writer, actor, and film festival director for the Indian Film Festival of Ireland. The 2021 online film festival has recently been launched. Siraj shares his insight on how he is producing his latest production, raising funds for film production, and marketing the project. He shares what he knows about getting pre-sales and the importance of knowing where your audience is and what they want. Garvin brings in his analysis from an accounting perspective and George’s job is to ensure all sides are still talking to one another by the end of the show. Bollywood is discussed and Siraj talks about how his work spans both Irish and Indian cultures.

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Karl King (Location Manager) is "In The Room" with 52 Jokers Wild
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Karl King (Location Manager) is "In The Room" with 52 Jokers Wild
Joining Garvin and me in this episode is Karl King, location manager, who has moved over from England to live in Kerry where his wife is from. Having worked on such television productions as ‘The Crown’ and various feature films, he has recently sourced 42 locations for an Irish film called ‘Joyride’ starring Olivia Colman. Our conversation touches on the issues arising because most film students are looking to be producers, directors and writers, forgetting there are many opportunities to move up the ladder starting from more humble but equally important roles, such as set-designer, art director, location manager, props and even the opportunities that arrive from being an extra. We really get into the business of film getting down to the nitty-gritty important bits that can help buddy enthusiasts carve a lifelong career in the film and television drama industry, enjoying the journey up to the dizzy heights of producer once you have learnt the game.

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Frenzy Films Talk Funding Opportunities "In The Room" with 52 Jokers Wild
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Frenzy Films Talk Funding Opportunities "In The Room" with 52 Jokers Wild
In this week's episode, we all get into a frenzy with our guests Sean McConville and Stéphanie Joalland, as we get into the nitty-gritty of raising funds, how to make films in Ireland, a discussion on whether it is Garvin or George that is the freak or the sci-fi geek, and much more. For George, it felt more link he was the referee in a wrestling match, with Garvin complaining he was fouled four times by the umpire, certainly not cricket. The theme of the match was indie micro-budget feature film productions which are now where the realise creative arts are in performance, physical effects and the craft of filmmaking. This is certainly our cup-of-tea, as we also explore genre-based films and their role in developing up-and-coming new talent that the film industry is eager to find.

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Donna Phillips (International Film Producers' Network) "In The Room" with 52 Jokers Wild
This week our guest is Donna Phillips who runs the International Film Producers Network with over 20,000 members. Garvin wonders if rain falls mainly on the plain or planes, picturing a few jets amidst some showers, but Donna is in Spain where it was 24˚C, which is normally quite hot for us in Ireland. However, with a blistering sun here and weather warning due to temperatures of 31˚C Spain could definitely be cooler at the moment. Our conversation certainly raises the bar as we discuss how such a Network can benefit all those who are self-motivated and willing to push beyond the edge to find their dreams come true. Donna shares some of her tips for keeping focused and puts Garvin into a tailspin but he soon levels off and reaches new altitudes as the conversation powers on. We hope you enjoy this episode and will join us every Friday as we begin to explore 'The Story of You' as others carve out a career in filmmaking.

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Johnathan Brownlee (Award Winning Director/Producer/Writer) is "In The Room" with 52 Jokers Wild.
So there we were, minding our own business, sitting and having a pint, and this dude sits beside us, who we thought was American and he turns out to be Canadian, from the part where they all have Northern Irish accents, and I ended up being the odd one out with the English accent. Small world but full of laughs. Johnathan Brownlee is our guest this week. Newfoundland, Labrador, and Alberta colour our conversation, with a sprinkling of Dallas, Texas. Johnathan is our first film professional we've had on the show, and he gets to reminisce a little about the industry he loves, especially storytelling, but indirectly through making sheds and playing golf before the aliens and strange babies get out of the bag and play havoc.

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Butterfies & Hurricanes
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Butterflies & Hurricanes S2E32
It's time to re-baseline ourselves, to make friends and influence people in the pub, without telling us anything about what you do. Instead, we want to talk about who you are and not the job. We even talk about the importance of taking breaks for coffee as these are the times when you can really solve problems by talking them through with others. Garvin wants to dance like a butterfly and fly like a hurricane. Or is that fly like a butterfly and dance like a hurricane. The thing is are we the ones making so much volume with our flipping around that we are causing all kinds of storms on the other side of the planet? Well, it's worth dipping in and seeing what we have to say, to make your own mind up. Go on. You know you want to. We don't bite. Well, I don't at least. If you can work out who that is?

Friday Jul 02, 2021
Let Your Garvin Grow
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Let Your Garvin Grow S2E31
Our Guest this Week Wayne Denner Online Safety | Cybersecurity | Trainer | Speaker and the one and only fan of the show 52 Jokers Wild, we have actually found our first customer that will openly admit to listening to the show and what's more watches it on YouTube, now if we can only clone him a couple of million times. Wayne's Parents were a Fan of The Duke or Good Old John Wayne to the rest of us, so much so they named their bonny lad after The Quiet Man so it might encourage him to be a good lad and get off his rocking horse and drink his milk. Bird Seed is for the Birds Garvin says, When George and Wayne are swapping Bird stories, Garvin nearly starts to listen to them until he realises that it is Big Bird and his chums eating habits as opposed to the HomoSapien variety, not to be deterred he steers the conversation to The Ball Room of Romance of the '80s and '90s and what it means to do the dance, the ritual mating dance, you have to have those feathers in full plume as you strut your stuff across the floor to throw out that line - Ya Wanna Dance?? Strategic Planning 101 for the lads in the absence of social media and Bumble, That was the Reality Show for The Birds and The Bees, The Bees did not want that answer - Would ya ever feck'n Buzz Off with yourself! We all have to Learn to Walk Before we can dance, Garvin it turns out did not learn to walk until he was about twenty, Turns out no one gave him the instruction booklet and accompanying training video before pushing him out onto the Cat Walk Bare Foot and Clueless. Walking - How Difficult can that be? With Gerry Hall and the Nation watching your every step, it seems it is near impossible. George has been Garvinised for nearly two years now and thinks everyone has at some time suffered a Garvin in their Daily Life, the trick is to Nurture it and Let it Grow. In time you will be the stronger for it and you can send it off on its way back into the world to help others.

Friday Jun 25, 2021
Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon S2E30
Are we alone in the Universe or however number of Universes and Multiverses there are out there? Garvin is never alone as he has his split personality to keep him company at the best of times, George is never alone as Garvin will not stop hounding him to edit more shows for social media. Doreen Ritchie Published Author | Speaker | Queens University Tutor | Mentor their Guest wishes she was alone because she might as well be as it is very difficult to get a word in edgeways on this show as the 2 Jokers in front of her spend most of the time in the past, present and or future competing for all timelines of presence with the most air time to command and the odd time throw the guest a bone of a question and if they are lucky enough actually wait and listen for an answer. This week we are meant to find out from the Americans if there are actually UFOs and or UAPs! And if there is Who is Driving them? Have they got their Licence and more to the point their Green Covid Passport otherwise there will be trouble ahead. Garvin reckons they have all been here from the Dawn of Time and maybe even a few minutes before that, however now they like the programmes they see on TV and feel comfortable enough in their proverbial skins to Go on a Date, A Blind Date on First Dates the TV Programme to be more precise if they are to get their follower count up on TIK TOK. Doreen feels relieved to get back to Normality at the end of the show, thanking the boys for the Laugh, The Jokers look bemused as the Show is not a comedy show, yet everyone seems to be laughing as they leave. Make em Laugh it is then, now if they can just get Predator to take off the Helmet to see that lovely Smile....

Friday Jun 18, 2021
I'm a Lover, Not a Fighter!
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
I'm a Lover, Not a Fighter! S2E29
I'm a Lover! Not a Fighter? Danielle Serpico graces the Jokers with her presence this week, not often we have a real-life superhero on the show, Kick-Ass Champion Black Belt and a Hypnotist all rolled into one, that is just two of her Super Powers and according to Garvin she has loads more in her proverbial handbag, Garvin checks his own virtual man bag for his own superpower, "Tall" yes it is still there, sure doesn't he use it every other day. The discussion touches on whether or not you should use and abuse your superpowers, particularly if you want to raise funds in the Dragons Den or on Shark Tank, Look into my Eyes, Not around my Eyes, Give me the All the Money for 1% of my Business. [Finger Snap] And You are back "In The Room". Danielle reflects on the past, the future and settles as we all should for the here and Now. Sure why wouldn't she? Sure she is in the room with the Jokers, She is laughing her head off and has Garvin Hypnotised. George keeps Garvin on Mute Long enough for Danielle to answer at least one question without interruption from you know who?
Don't whatever you do Listen or Watch this show if you expect normal conversation etiquette or skilled interviewing techniques, you are mistaking this for a different show, all you get here is some of what makes sense but mostly the unexpected rants of.... well listen in and find out, there is always a seat at the table for the not of faint heart. We are all Lovers and the Jokers Love a Good Fight.

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Don't Cry For Me Argentina!
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Don't Cry For Me Argentina! S2E28
This week Garvin and George reach out to Argentina, where our special guest, Cecilia R. Kancepolsky, shares how Argentinean women are developing a platform to promote their skills to a global market. Cecilia lived in Ireland and was able to learn so much from what she found in storytelling, especially when it comes to telling The Story of You. She goes on to share how the Argentineans are resilient people, having gone through so much hardship, especially the economic pressures at the moment but through being highly educated they have built up world-class skills and are pushing ahead to gain their worth by reaching out to the world. Garvin and George get to explore the issue women suffer from a perceived “glass-ceiling” that with determination the Argentineans are going the breakthrough and become their own champions of industry.